Personal Injury

Do You Have a Premises Liability Case?

by Staff Blogger | April 24th, 2017

When you walk into a store in San Francisco, you have certain rights that must be upheld. First of all, you have every right to be in that store regardless of race, gender, religious affiliation, or sexual preference. In addition, you have the right to your safety. That is to say, you have the right to exit that store in the same physical condition (if not better) as you entered. When that right is taken away by someone else’s negligence, you could have a premises liability case, also known as a slip-and-fall case. In San Francisco, you can bring a premises liability lawsuit against an individual, business, or government entity if you sustained injuries on their property due to their carelessness or negligence. For example, if poor construction at a public building leads to you becoming injured, that business or organization is responsible for those injuries. However, proving fault in a premises liability case can be difficult on your own. It can require a detailed investigation into the circumstances that led up to your accident and a thorough understanding of liability laws. If you’ve been injured on someone else’s property, call our experienced premises liability attorneys today for a free, no-obligation consultation. We’ll fully investigate the cause of your accident and fight to hold the responsible party accountable. Don’t try to take on your injury claim alone. Contact Berg Injury Lawyers today.

San Francisco’s New Bait and Switch Scam

by Staff Blogger | February 20th, 2017

Ever ordered something online and when it arrived, it turned out to be completely different than advertised? I think we all have. That can be pretty frustrating, as well as costly. When it happens, it’s completely within your rights to demand a full refund. After all, the vendor failed to live up to their end of the bargain. But what if instead of issuing a refund, the vendor demanded more money? Sounds ridiculous, but that’s exactly what many California life insurance policyholders are facing right now. It’s called life insurance company fraud. You purchase a life insurance policy for an agreed-upon premium payment every month. You pay those premiums without fail like the ideal policyholder. Then one day you receive a notice in the mail that your premiums are going up for the exact same policy. What’s worse, if you don’t pay the inflated premiums, you could lose the key benefits of the policy. Sound like a bait and switch? That’s because it is. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we’ve been following this type of fraud for more than a year and are ready to stand up for victims in San Francisco. If you’ve received notice that your life insurance premiums are skyrocketing, give us a call today for a free consultation. We’ll review your case at no cost or obligation, and advise you on how to proceed. Don’t let the insurance company take advantage of you and your family. Call us today.

San Francisco Businesses Responsible for Your Safety

by Staff Blogger | January 30th, 2017

As you can probably tell by the product liability cases we’ve won in the past, we take consumer’s rights very seriously at Berg Injury Lawyers. We believe if you spend your hard-earned money on a product, you shouldn’t have to fear that your life is in danger when using it. But your rights as a consumer go far beyond the products you buy. Every business you visit in the Bay Area has a responsibility to your safety. When that responsibility isn’t upheld, the result can be tragic. Premises liability cases, or slip and fall cases, involve injuries sustained on someone else’s property due to hazardous conditions or a negligent act. For example, if you are in a business in San Francisco and a poorly constructed structure collapses, causing you physical harm, you may have a premises liability claim against the business. However, proving such a claim can be difficult. As your San Francisco premises liability attorneys, we must prove:
  • The condition of the property was dangerous.
  • The owner knew, or should have known, about the property’s condition.
  • The owner had a reasonable amount of time to fix the condition of the property.
If you or someone you love suffered physical injuries on someone else’s property, getting the compensation you deserve on your own can be tough, which is why you should seek experienced legal help immediately. Call our premises liability attorneys today for a free consultation. We’ll do everything within our power to get you maximum compensation for your injuries.

Life Insurance Company Fraud Victims in San Francisco

by Staff Blogger | October 31st, 2016

California is the most beautiful place in the country to live. No other state has a wider range of climates, landscapes, and cultures to enjoy, which is why more than 38 million people call the Golden State home. However, one thing California isn’t is cheap. Whether you live in the city or suburbs, the cost of living here continues to rise, making it hard for some families to make ends meet. Californians know better than most that where we invest our money is important for right now, as well as for our families’ futures. It used to be that a life insurance policy was a safe way to make sure your family will be taken care of after your death, but unfortunately, that’s no longer the case for some. Over the past year, we’ve become increasingly aware of life insurance company fraud in our San Francisco community. Here’s how it works. You buy a life insurance policy, pay the premiums on time, and keep the policy in good standing. Then one day you get a notice that your premiums are skyrocketing, leaving you with a couple options: cancel the policy or pay the inflated premiums for the exact same policy. If this has happened to you, give our San Francisco life insurance company fraud lawyers a call today for a free consultation. What your insurance company is trying to do may be fraudulent, and we won’t let them get away with it. Don’t be a victim. Contact us today, and we’ll start investigating your case right away.

We’re Not Afraid to Take Them to Court

by Staff Blogger | October 24th, 2016

There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of an injury claim after a serious accident, such as the circumstances that led up to the accident, the extent of your injuries, and the willingness of the insurance company to pay what is fair. However, there’s another key factor that every personal injury lawyer must have that supersedes the specifics of the case or even the injuries sustained, and that’s a reputation for going to trial.

You see, the insurance company has no motivation or incentive to pay you tens of thousands of dollars for your claim when they know that there’s little you can do to force them to. Consider this scenario. You’ve been injured in a car accident, and based on your estimations, that accident is going to cost you roughly $20,000 in medical expenses, lost wages, and other accident-related costs. The insurance company says they are only going to pay you $7,000. What can you do? The sad reality is you have little power over them and they are aware of it.

That’s why it’s so important to call an experienced San Francisco personal injury lawyer instead. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we know how to make the insurance company pay you what you deserve for your injuries, and if they refuse, we’ll take them to court. Call today for a free consultation and we’ll get started on your case right away.

What Are Slip and Fall Accidents?

by Staff Blogger | October 17th, 2016

At every business, whether a restaurant, construction site, or corporate office, a quiet workday can quickly turn into a full-on sprint when things get busy. It’s at those times that safety is most important. Unfortunately safety is often the first thing to go when things get hectic, putting both employees and the public at risk. Premises liability lawsuits are cases that involve someone who was injured due to a business or other entity’s negligence. For example, if a grocery store or restaurant fails to clean up a spill or other hazardous area in their business and someone falls, they may be liable for that person’s injuries. Most often, these are referred to as slip and fall accidents. We’ve helped a number of people in the San Francisco area get compensation after being involved in such accidents. In each of those cases, we had to prove the following:
  • The condition of the property was dangerous.
  • The owner knew, or should have known, about the property’s condition.
  • The owner had a reasonable amount of time to fix the condition of the property.
If you’ve been involved in a slip and fall accident, you need the help of an experienced premises liability attorney on your side to get maximum compensation for your injuries. Don’t try to go it alone. Give us a call today for a free consultation. You’ve been injured and deserve compensation, so contact us today.

California Life Insurance Company Fraud

by Staff Blogger | August 15th, 2016

Nobody likes a price increase, especially for the same exact product you were paying less for before. In recent years, some large companies have gotten some pretty bad press for increasing their subscription rates with little notice. Though most of the time it only amounts to a few more dollars per month, it’s the principle of the thing. Unfortunately, some life insurance companies are attempting the same thing, but their increases are much more significant, putting customers who have paid premiums for years at risk of losing their policy. Here’s how it works. You buy a life insurance policy to ensure your family is taken care of in the event of your death. You pay the premiums every month, without fail. Then one day, you receive a notice in the mail that your policy premiums are skyrocketing, leaving you with 3 options:
  1. Pay the inflated premiums for the exact same policy.
  2. Cancel the policy that you’ve paid into for years.
  3. Wipe out the life insurance policy savings you’ve accumulated.
If those options don’t sound fair, it’s because they aren’t. Luckily, there’s a fourth option: call a lawyer. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we hold life insurance companies accountable for their fraudulent practices. If you’ve received a notice that your life insurance premiums are skyrocketing, give us a call immediately for a free consultation. We’ll stand up for your rights as a consumer and fight to make sure you get treated fairly. Contact us today.

Tips for Testifying in Your Personal Injury Case

by Dave Rumsey | July 25th, 2016

You did the right thing after your accident and called our Northern California car accident attorneys. Now you can focus on your recovery while we focus on getting you paid for your injuries. Although we’re working hard on your behalf to maximize your claim, there is one step in the process we can’t do for you: the deposition. A deposition is an under-oath interview with the opposing attorney. He/she will ask you a number of questions about your accident and your injuries to determine the best defense against you. That’s why it’s vitally important that you do well at your deposition, as the rest of your case may be impacted by your answers. Here are our 3 top tips for giving a good deposition:
  1. Think before you answer. The opposing attorney may ask questions that are intended to trip you up. Don’t fall for it. Take a moment after every question is asked to process before you answer. There’s no benefit to answering quickly, so take your time.
  2. Tell the truth. This is your first opportunity under oath to tell your side of the story. Stick to the truth and don’t embellish any details. In our experience, embellishments or lies always come out at trial. Don’t risk losing your case over false testimony. Stick to the facts.
  3. Revise your answers if necessary. Although we would prefer that you answer every question with 100% accuracy, we understand that sometimes nerves can interfere with our memories. If you happen to misspeak in the answer of a question, don’t be afraid to correct yourself. It’s much better to set the record straight in a deposition than to be forced to on the witness stand.
Here’s a bonus tip: Be well rested. No amount of preparation can counteract a poor night’s sleep before a deposition. Eat a good meal the evening before and get plenty of rest so you’re alert and ready when you sit down at the table. And don’t worry. Your attorney at Berg Injury Lawyers will be sitting right next to you the whole time.

Advertising is Great…Word-of-Mouth is Better

by Staff Blogger | April 11th, 2016

At Berg Injury Lawyers, we helped pioneer lawyer advertising more than 20 years ago. We did so because we knew a lot of accident victims in Northern California weren’t getting the help they need after an accident. Simply put, advertising on television gave us the ability to reach and help more people. Nowadays, almost every law firm advertises. From billboards to TV commercials, you’re likely to run into some form of lawyer advertising on a daily basis in the Bay Area. Although we’re proud of the role we played in helping law firms reach more people, there’s one form of advertising we value above all else, and it’s one that’s been around a lot longer than our firm. Word-of-mouth. You see, it doesn’t matter how much you spend on advertising, how often you post to social media, or how many community events you sponsor. Your firm’s reputation isn’t something you can buy. It’s built on years of service to your clients, good or bad. We’re proud to have a reputation for treating our clients with the utmost respect and getting them maximum compensation for their injuries. Because of that reputation, a good portion of our business comes from referrals—satisfied clients that pass our name along to someone else in need. You hear a lot of promises in lawyer advertising, but if you want to know the true measure of a firm, ask their clients. Advertising on television is great, but word-of-mouth is even better. Thankfully, we excel in both.

Legal Help for Commuter Train Derailment Victims

by Staff Blogger | March 10th, 2016

It’s the end of a long day at work. You step onto the train, anxious to get home to your family. You’ve taken this trip hundreds of times without incident, but all of that is about to change. On March 7, a commuter train derailed in Northern California, injuring nine people. The impact and resulting wreckage was so extreme that an Alameda County Sheriff Department spokesperson said it was “an absolute miracle that no one was killed.” Although we are thankful no one was killed, that fact is little comfort to those who were seriously injured in the incident. For them, the hardest part is just beginning, leaving them with a lot of unknown questions. Your medical expenses won’t end with your hospital stay; who’s going to pay for ongoing treatment? You’re not going to be able to work while you recover; who’s going to compensate you for lost wages? You’ve been through a traumatic, life-changing event; who should be held responsible for your pain and suffering? If you were injured in the recent Alameda County train derailment in Northern California, call our experienced personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation. The next several days are going to be critical to your recovery and your family’s future. Beyond exceptional medical care, you need an experienced law firm to protect your rights and help you determine the next steps. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we’ve been helping the injured people of Northern California for more than 30 years, and we’re ready to help you too. To learn more about how we can help after an accident contact us today!