You Deserve Compensation After a Dog Bite

by Staff Blogger | June 17th, 2019

More and more public places in California are becoming dog-friendly. This means dog owners can bring their pets with them to restaurants, retail stores, and even work-places. While having dogs around can brighten up many people’s day, unleashed dogs can sometimes be dangerous—even if they don’t have a history of aggressiveness. All dogs are capable of biting, and some may do it without warning. That’s why cities in California have local ordinances that require dog owners to keep their pets leashed or enclosed. When they fail to do so, innocent victims may get bitten or attacked and suffer serious injuries. If you or someone you love was bitten by a dog, you may have suffered a variety of complications, including blood loss, infection, and even nerve damage. At Berg Injury Lawyers, our California dog bite lawyers believe that victims like you deserve maximum compensation for what you’ve been through. Dog owners are supposed to follow the law concerning their pets, especially when they bring them out in public, and they should be held liable when their animals cause harm to innocent people. When you call us, we’ll calculate how much money you’re owed based on your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Then, we’ll negotiate with the insurance company to get you a fair settlement. Contact us today for a free consultation.