Did Your Joint Replacement Fail? You May Be Eligible for Compensation.

February 12th, 2018

Whether due to accidents, diseases, or age-related conditions, some people’s joints are prone to wearing out and failing over time. When joints no longer work properly, the symptoms can be debilitating and disabling. Victims often experience severe pain and may even lose mobility. Thankfully, people whose joints have worn out can get artificial replacement joints, […]

2 Tactics Insurance Companies Use to Reduce Claims After Car Accidents

February 5th, 2018

At Berg Injury Lawyers, we work to protect our clients from insurance companies every single day. It’s no secret in America that insurance companies are billion-dollar corporations. They occupy giant skyscrapers and spend a significant amount of money on advertising. What many people don’t know, however, is that insurance companies don’t always pay victims the […]

We Want to Help With Your SSD Benefits Claim

January 29th, 2018

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are a government funded program for workers who get hurt or develop illnesses that prevent them from returning to their jobs for long periods of time. And while SSD benefits can be life-changing for approved workers and their families, countless people see their claims denied every year. The Social Security Administration […]

3 Numbers to Call After a Truck Accident

January 22nd, 2018

At Berg Injury Lawyers, we know that truck accidents can be distressing and traumatic. Victims often suffer debilitating injuries that require immediate medical attention, and their main concern after an accident is getting the medical care they need. Our California truck accident attorneys have helped many victims who were able to be proactive after their […]

3 Common Causes of Auto Accidents

January 8th, 2018

At Berg Injury Lawyers, we’ve helped many car accident victims over the years, and we’ve learned that a wide variety of factors can lead to crashes. But when it comes to primary causes of accidents, only several seem to be prevalent in most of the claims we handle—and three are present in far more crashes than […]

How a Lawyer Can Help You Get Veterans Disability Benefits

December 25th, 2017

Serving in the military is supposed to provide you access to many important benefits, including compensation if you’re injured or develop a serious illness. But getting veterans disability benefits is a complicated process with many steps, and many claims are denied every year. At Berg Injury Lawyers, our California veterans disability benefits lawyers know how devastating […]

3 Reasons to Call a Lawyer After a Wrongful Death

December 18th, 2017

At Berg Injury Lawyers, we handle a variety of accident and injury claims. And while many cases we take involve victims and their families dealing with difficult situations, wrongful death claims are some of the most painful and traumatic scenarios we see. Losing a loved one is devastating. Not only is it emotionally painful, but […]

Traveling This Winter? Follow These Winter Driving Tips.

December 11th, 2017

At Berg Injury Lawyers, we know that people in our neck of the woods don’t have to worry as much about inclement weather-related crashes as people in other parts of the country. After all, one of the biggest perks of living in California is the year-round mild weather and sunny skies. But California isn’t snow […]

Why Do You Need an Attorney After a Truck Accident?

November 27th, 2017

There are three calls you should make after being involved in a truck accident: 911, your insurance company to report the accident, and the office of an experienced California truck accident lawyer. Calling 911 means you’ll get prompt medical treatment and a police report of the accident. Calling your insurance company is required by almost […]

What We Look for in Dog Bite Cases

November 13th, 2017

Dog bites can be painful, traumatic, and even disabling. In severe cases, dog bites can even be life-threatening, especially if they become infected or when victims are small children or elderly adults. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we know that dogs bring joy to many families. But we also know that dogs have the potential to bite […]