Any Consumer Product Can Be Defective

June 19th, 2017

As a consumer, you more than likely have to depend and trust in others to provide the necessities of life. No matter how self-sustaining your life may be, chances are you still purchase some things from a store or individual that you simply can’t produce yourself. Most of us try to make good decisions when we […]

Proving Fault in a San Francisco Motorcycle Accident

June 12th, 2017

Motorcycle accidents are different from other types of accidents. In our experience, it can be harder to prove exactly what took place before the accident, leaving the motorcyclist in a potentially vulnerable situation. That situation is made even worse if the victim decides to deal with the insurance company on their own. If the accident […]

Losing the Ability to Work

June 5th, 2017

The ability to get up on a Monday morning and go to a job that pays the bills is a privilege. We take that privilege for granted while thousands of Americans struggle with injuries or illnesses that have robbed them of that ability. As a result, they must turn to government programs such as Social Security […]

The Difficulties of a Trucking Accident Claim

May 29th, 2017

Big trucks are the lions of the road. Considering the damage they can inflict, no other vehicle on the road even comes close. Tractor-trailer rigs can weigh up to 80,000 lbs. In comparison, the average car is only 4,000 lbs. Given that discrepancy, it’s pretty easy to figure out who would win in a crash. Many times, the driver of […]

Have Your Life Insurance Premiums Gone Up?

May 8th, 2017

If you’ve read our blog over the years, you know that we talk a lot about insurance companies, and it’s usually not in a good light. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not against insurance, we’re just against insurance companies who put profits over people. We’ve seen that firsthand in our practice, but it’s not only […]

Win the Battle for Securing SSD Benefits

April 17th, 2017

Disabled folks in San Francisco face an uphill battle to get Social Security Disability benefits. We wish it were different, but the sad reality is more than two-thirds of all initial applications are denied, leaving thousands of people every year wondering how they’re going to make ends meet. If they could, they would work for a […]

Fatigued Truck Driving in San Francisco

March 27th, 2017

Take a look around the room. We’d wager that 90% of everything you see was at one time transported on a tractor-trailer, and that might be a conservative estimate. The reality is without the trucking industry, our society would look much different. The products, materials, and equipment that keep us all rolling along without a hiccup […]

The One Danger You Can’t Avoid

March 13th, 2017

There’s nothing like an afternoon ride on a sunny day. Motorcycle enthusiasts understand that better than anyone. Whether you’re a daily commuter or a weekend warrior, it’s hard to match the freedom you feel when shifting from second to third and really letting the engine out. There are always dangers associated with getting out on […]

Nursing Home Abuse: Looks Can Be Deceiving

February 6th, 2017

Placing your aging loved one into a nursing home and assisted living facility isn’t how you envisioned the final chapter of their lives beginning. If it were possible to take care of them 24/7 on your own, you would probably like to do so. However, that’s not always the reality. The next best thing is a […]

Accident Victims: Outnumbered from the Start

January 23rd, 2017

Did you know that if you’ve been injured in a car accident by someone else’s negligence, someone else already has an attorney looking out for their best interests? It’s true. Most insurance companies provide an attorney to represent their clients in a car accident injury claim. What does that mean for you? It means you […]