Making Our Roads Safer for Motorcyclists

August 8th, 2016

If you are a motorcycle enthusiast, you probably know of Backcountry Discovery Routes (BDR), a non-profit organization that exists to create and preserve backcountry dual-sport and adventure motorcycle travel. They’ve mapped out adventures in more than 10 states and are currently developing a California route. Given the incredible scenery that Northern California has to offer, […]

San Francisco Attorneys Defend Truck Accident Victims

July 11th, 2016

San Francisco traffic is legendary. If you’re going into the city and are on a timeframe, you better build in some extra drive time just in case you hit an unexpected slowdown. Pushing that many vehicles through narrow roads and crowded streets can be treacherous, especially for oversized vehicles like tractor-trailers. One lapse in judgment […]

Why Most SSD Applications are Denied

June 27th, 2016

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits exist to help the disabled people of our community survive once they are unable to work. Although SSD benefits won’t make anyone rich, they can be the difference between making ends meet and abject poverty. SSD is an extension of the Social Security Act of 1935, which set aside funds specifically […]

Avoid Pitfalls After a Car Accident

June 6th, 2016

Every week, we post to this blog to provide the information you need to make the right next steps after your accident. To us, that right next step is calling a lawyer, whether or not you decide to hire one to handle your injury claim. An experienced lawyer can evaluate your specific situation and determine […]

Fatigued Truck Drivers Endanger California Lives

May 31st, 2016

Northern California depends on the trucking industry to bring everyday necessities into our state and send the goods we produce out. It’s a vital component to keeping our country strong, and without it, life in the U.S. would look much different. Trucking companies have a responsibility to keep that industry operating efficiently, which can put a […]

E-Cigarettes Linked to Severe Injuries

May 24th, 2016

Over the past couple years, vaping stores have began popping up all over the Bay Area. Inside you can buy a wide array of e-cigarettes, accessories, and liquid, all completely legal. Whether or not they’re safe is another question entirely. A lot of folks in California took up vaping as a safe alternative to traditional […]

You Get Money or You Don’t Pay

May 16th, 2016

We’ve all heard the saying, “You get what you pay for.” It usually refers to the dangers of purchasing cheaper products or services only to find the quality lacking in the end. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we live by a different mantra, “You get money or you don’t pay.” We decided many years ago that […]

Holding California Distracted Drivers Accountable

May 9th, 2016

Driving in California is different than driving anywhere else in the U.S. Our roads and highways are fast-paced, and you’re either part of that flow or you’re in the way. Arriving safely at your destination requires your full concentration, which you just can’t give if you’re distracted. Each year, distracted driving claims the lives of […]

Winning Your Social Security Disability Appeal

May 2nd, 2016

The Social Security system is one of the America’s greatest accomplishments. It provides financial support to millions of hard-working people at the end of their careers to help them make ends meet during their golden years. President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law on August 14, 1935. Twenty years later, Social Security was […]

California Leash Laws Exist for a Reason

April 18th, 2016

California has strict leash laws for a reason. In recent years, there have been an increased number of dog bite incidents reported. In fact, around 1,000 dog bites are reported every day in the U.S. Many of those incidents involve vicious or skittish dogs that are either off-leash or left unattended. It’s obvious that you […]