
California’s Cannabis Laws, Impaired Driving, and Liability: A Guide

December 11th, 2023

California has made it legal for residents to use cannabis both medicinally and recreationally. But that doesn’t mean you can light up and hit the road. Every driver in California should be aware of how driving under the influence of cannabis can affect their responsibility if there’s an accident. How California Law Treats Cannabis California […]

Understanding California’s Prop 213 for Uninsured Drivers

December 4th, 2023

In California, Proposition 213 is critical legislation for uninsured drivers. This law was enacted in 1996 to address uninsured motorists and insurance fraud. It limits what you can claim in a car accident if you don’t have insurance. Specifically, Prop 213 says you can’t seek compensation for emotional pain or suffering after a crash, even […]

The Role of Surveillance Footage in Personal Injury Cases

November 27th, 2023

If you’ve recently suffered a personal injury in a car collision, slip and fall, or a workplace accident due to another’s negligence, you might wonder about the evidence needed to support your claim. In addition to medical records and police reports, surveillance footage can support your case. With traffic and surveillance cameras on many streets […]

What to Expect When a Slip-and-Fall Injury Happens at School: Pursuing Personal Injury Compensation 

November 21st, 2023

Pursuing information and personal progress is paramount in educational institutions’ crowded hallways and classrooms. Despite the important goals being pursued in these institutions, schools are prone to the same risks as any other large facility, including slip and fall accidents. Such events, frequently overlooked, can have far-reaching consequences for the well-being of those in the […]

How Can I Safely Navigate Thanksgiving Rental Car Use to Avoid Accidents and Address Common Issues? 

November 21st, 2023

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, many people travel to see their loved ones.  With all the extra congestion on the roads, it’s important to be extra cautious to prevent accidents. In the event of an accident, be sure to consult with an injury lawyer in Sacramento. An experienced attorney can provide valuable assistance and help navigating […]

How is Fault Determined in a Blind Spot Accident?

November 21st, 2023

Personal Injury Lawyers in Modesto After an auto accident, comments like, “You should have seen me.” or “You came out of nowhere!” are commonly heard, beginning the inevitable blame game between two drivers after a blind spot accident. Blind spots are areas around a vehicle that are invisible to the driver on both side and […]

Thanksgiving Burn Accidents and Liability: Understanding Your Legal Options 

November 21st, 2023

When we celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, we enliven the values of warmth, thankfulness, and sharing a delicious meal between loved ones. However, with Thanksgiving always comes the risk of burns and other cooking-related mishaps. Safety is a critical prerequisite of enjoying your holiday. Burn injury accidents can cast a serious pall over the […]

The Dangers of Deep-Frying Turkey: Tips For a Safe Thanksgiving Tradition

November 21st, 2023

Injury Lawyer in Modesto The age-old tradition of serving turkey for Thanksgiving dinner is here to stay. However, many Americans are ditching the oven for deep-fryers to save time and achieve a better-tasting bird. Fire departments warn against deep frying turkey because this cooking method can be dangerous. Despite these warnings, many amateur chefs feel […]

Elder Abuse and Neglect in California’s Nursing Homes: Spotting the Signs

November 20th, 2023

Elderly nursing home residents are susceptible to abuse and neglect due to their frailty, dependence on caregivers, and potential cognitive impairments, making it challenging for families to know when their loved ones are facing harm. Yet elder abuse in nursing homes is more common than many might assume. In 2021, California’s Long-Term Ombudsman Program reported […]

Self-Driving Cars Are Here. How Does Liability Law Handle Them?

November 13th, 2023

Self-driving cars, once a dream of futuristic sci-fi, are now cruising our streets, reshaping our daily commutes. For road users, they give the hope of enhanced safety and efficiency, and may transform the way we think about transportation. Despite their advanced sensors and AI capabilities, self-driving cars are not immune to accidents. In 2022, six […]