How a Proposed Law Could Make Intersections Safer for California Cyclists
July 12th, 2021
The Safety Stop Bill (AB 122) aims to make intersections safer for California cyclists by letting them treat stop signs as yield signs. When a bicyclist gets to a stop sign, and there are other vehicles, they must yield and give the right of way to any vehicle in the intersection. If there aren’t other […]
Can You Sue a Landlord for Injuries You Suffer in a Rental Unit?
June 28th, 2021
In most states, the landlord of a property has a legal obligation to maintain the safety and security of the tenants they rent to. This means they must fix things such as broken stairs, weak railings, collapsing decks, or poor lighting to keep the rental free of hazardous conditions. If your landlord fails in this […]
Does Filing an Uninsured Motorist Claim Affect Your Insurance Rates?
June 7th, 2021
Although California law requires every driver to have insurance, many drivers fail to comply. Whether they cannot afford the monthly rates, forget to renew their policy, or drive without a license, the result is the same. Having an accident with an uninsured motorist means you must file a claim with your insurance policy rather than […]
What Are the Leading Causes of Traffic Deaths in California?
May 31st, 2021
Traffic accidents often lead to fatalities and can devastate a family in seconds. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), during the first nine months of 2020, traffic deaths across the country increased almost 5% over 2019 statistics. In California, over 3,000 deaths occur each year due to traffic accidents, often resulting from […]
How Does a Brain Injury Affect Your Ability to Drive?
May 24th, 2021
Brain injuries come in varying levels of severity, causing minor impairments with coordination and memory to patients who cannot care for themselves. If you’ve suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), it may affect your reaction time, depth perception, peripheral vision, and coordination when you drive. If you’ve suffered from TBI seizures in the last […]
How to Tell if a Lawyer Is Legitimate?
May 10th, 2021
While you might assume that a lawyer with a website and fancy office is legitimate and legally allowed to practice the law, there have been numerous cases where people have posed as lawyers for decades. These fraudulent lawyers have taken clients’ hard-earned money, lost important cases, or made critical mistakes in essential paperwork. Before meeting […]
How to Drive Safely in Work Zones
April 19th, 2021
Thousands of work zone crashes occur each year in California, and more than 700 Americans are killed in these crashes annually. In most cases, those deaths are motorists. But approximately 15% of those deaths are work zone workers. Work zones are a common fixture on California’s roads, so it’s important we take caution when driving […]
What’s the Difference Between Workers’ Comp and Social Security Disability?
March 17th, 2021
Your job is your livelihood. When an injury or illness makes it difficult or impossible for you to work, you need a way to replace your lost paychecks. Thankfully, there are two primary ways that people in California can get replacement income when they’re unable to work: workers’ compensation and Social Security Disability (SSD). Because […]
How Can You Prove Wrongful Death?
November 23rd, 2020
When a person is fatally injured because of someone else’s negligence, surviving family members might consider filing a wrongful death claim to get compensation for their losses. Because someone’s life was lost and a family is forced to deal with the consequences, so much is at stake in these claims. Proceeding with a wrongful death […]
Can I Sue After a Slip and Fall if a Sign Was Posted?
November 16th, 2020
If you were injured after slipping and falling but a warning sign was posted, you can still file a lawsuit for your injuries. But several factors will determine whether your case is successful. Property owners have an obligation to keep people on their premises safe. That legal obligation is called premises liability. Slip and fall […]