Home » Blog » The Importance of Filing an Injury Claim Even During a Pandemic
August 31st, 2020
While the world struggles to deal with a once-in-a-generation pandemic, we’re constantly reminded of the fact that life goes on. Despite lockdowns and outbreaks, people still have bills to pay, work to do, and injuries to deal with. Unfortunately, accident-related medical bills won’t go away just because we’re in a pandemic, and the time in which you can file a lawsuit is still ticking down. You can’t afford to waste time waiting for the pandemic to end when you need to file a compensation claim. At Berg Injury Lawyers, we know the importance of injury claims, which is why we’ve continued to offer the same level of service we’ve always given our clients, despite the limitations posed by COVID-19. Why a Pandemic Shouldn’t Stop You from Taking Legal Action
Even with lower volumes of traffic on our roads, crashes persist. In some cases, our roads have proven to be even deadlier during the pandemic. Workplace injuries, medical malpractice, and other causes of serious injuries also continue to affect Californians. Though you might be reluctant to visit a doctor or take legal action during the coronavirus outbreak, you must remember how high the stakes can be if you don’t take a stand against an insurance company. Personal injury claims are as important as ever, and you shouldn’t give up hope because times are challenging. Many businesses, including Berg Injury Lawyers, have adapted to the pandemic and still offer the same level of assistance as they did pre-coronavirus. We Remain Committed to Our Clients
Throughout the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve expanded the way we serve our clients by offering remote consultations, case updates, and more. We know how important getting compensation is for our clients, which is why we guarantee the same level of dedication and service to those we represent whether we meet them in person or over the phone. For someone dealing with the prospect of an injury claim during the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s important to know that legal options (and legal help) are still available. The Importance of Personal Injury Claims
People file personal injury claims because it’s usually the only path to getting the compensation that they’re entitled to after an accident that wasn’t their fault. Serious injuries are costly, and insurance companies are often reluctant to offer people the payments they deserve. By filing a claim, an injured person is seeking compensation for accident-related costs, including property damage, medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. A successful claim can mean the difference between financial ruin and the path to recovery. Regardless of whether there are other external factors at play (like the coronavirus), you should always demand what you’re owed from an at-fault party and their insurance company. Otherwise, you risk running the chance of paying these costly expenses out of your own pocket. The Costs of Waiting to File a Claim
Time is of the essence when you’re considering filing a personal injury claim. First, you need to be mindful of the statute of limitations in these cases. In California, you have two years from the time of your injury to file, and once that period lapses, you won’t be able to demand the payment you’re entitled to. And, if a public entity is involved, you may only have six months to file a claim with the city, county or whichever public entity is involved Second, the longer you wait to begin the legal process, the greater the risk that important evidence supporting your claim and pinpointing the other party’s liability will be lost. The sooner you can contact an attorney and put them on your case, the better your chances of a successful outcome. We’re Working Hard for Our Clients
At Berg Injury Lawyers, we never stopped working hard for our clients or accepting new clients to make sure they get the legal representation they deserve. We’re fully capable of meeting with clients and conducting business remotely through video conferencing, phone, and email. We know how important it is for injured people to have their cases taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner. If the pandemic is giving you pause from taking legal action, don’t wait any longer to seek help. If You Need Help, We’re Here for You
At Berg Injury Lawyers, we know that injury claims stop for no pandemic. We’re still here, and we’re ready to help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.